How To Kick Out Unknown Person From Our WiFi Network. - Android, windows and Linux based tips tutorial.


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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How To Kick Out Unknown Person From Our WiFi Network.

Hello, Guys Today I will Tell How To Kick Out Unknown Person From Our  Using Any Linux.

* Warning *
1. It's for Education Purpose Only.
2. All Attacks Done With Own Routers
3. Don't Use In Illegal Works.

*  Requirements  *
1. Linux Installed Pc (You Can Run Also Live Mode) (How To Run In Live Mode)
2. Some Knowledge About Kali Linux (Not Higher Requirement Follow My Steps Only)  
3. Some Patience.

* Process *
1. Download Kickthemout From GitHub.
2. Click On Clone Or Download.
3.If You Want Zip File Download.
4.Type cd Desktop Hit Enter.
5.If Not Copy Git Clone Link From There ( You Can Use This Link Also),
6.Now Open Terminal Window And Type git clone If You Are Not Downloaded Zip File.

git clone

7.When Done Cloning Then Type cd kickthemout Hit Enter.
8.Now Type sudo python -m pip install -r requirements.txt And Hit Enter.
9.In My Case I Already Done It.

sudo python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
10.Now Type chmod +x Hit Enter.
11.Now Type ./ Hit Enter.

12.Now Type 1 For Specific People 2 For Some Users 3 For All.
13 In My Case I Press 1 

In My Case Here Is 4 People   
 14. Press Option which You Want Kick Out.
 15.That's It. Thank You.

Thanks For Reading Come Again And Encourage Us.

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